d2h.net: flotsam, jetsam, & lagan

thoughts, observations, diary, rants, stuff the virtual cat dragged in…

building emacs for macos

my copy of emacs installed through homebrew was acting up: everytime i tried to click the “markdown” menu when editing a markdown’ed text file, emacs would terminate rather abruptly (aka crash). decidedly not nice.

so: try to reinstall… a couple of hours later this is the recipe that worked for me:

> brew install --with-modern-icon --without-spacemacs-icon --with-mailutils --with-jansson --HEAD emacs-plus

followed by

  • option-cmd dragging the generated /usr/local/opt/emacs-plus/Emacs.app to /Applications, and
  • allowing Emacs full-disk access

macos security setings for emacs